
Steve Jobs' Speech

Steve Jobs' Speech  I really enjoyed this amazing inspiring speech by Steve Jobs, where he shared 3 stories about his experience and what he learned from life! The first story was about connecting the dots. He was saying how he dropped out of college after 6 months as he did not see the value in what he was learning and it was one of the best decisions he made because when he s topped taking the classes that didn't interest him and started taking classes that interested him, he  got to learn new things such as typography. At the time, he did not see any practical application for that in his life, but 10 years later when they were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to him and he used what he learned to design it all into the Mac. So if he hadn't dropped out of college and went into that typography class, then personal computers wouldn't have the typography they have!  This shows how when one door closes, another door opens and at the moment when a d...

Different Perspectives

DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE The illustration shows how when a person looks at something from a certain angle, he can see it differently from someone looking at the same thing from another angle. For me, I see it can be 3 or 4 as I saw the sticks from the front, so I can see both perspectives and also maybe because I see both person's points of views, but if it was not highlighted from the beginning that it could be either 3 or 4, my answer would be the first thing that my eyes see, depending on the angle I am looking from.  This illustration signifies how people can have different opinions and see things differently and this is very much influenced by many factors, such as their experiences, values, character, mindset, mental state at the moment. It also signifies how important it is to not insist on your own way of seeing things as there is nothing right and wrong, there is no truth because everything is subjective and dependent on your interpretation and from which perspective you see ...

What's the message?

What's the message by:  Yasmin Mogahed  This is an important quote by Yasmin Mogahed, which I think basically means that what happens to you , whether good or bad does not signify anything, as its the way you react and how you see the situation is what is really important and can affect your life.  When she says, "Change your lens and you change your life', for example when you look at the glass half full, rather than half empty. So when you look at the negative parts of the situation, you will only complain and be sad about that but if you look at the positive aspects, and see the good things first, your response will be different and you wont be as depressed or sad. For example, when something happens that upsets me, like my father yelling at me or losing in a competition, if I look at the situation from the negative aspect only, which is that I am angry for him yelling or me losing, it would affect my life afterwards because in the example with my father, I would stay...

The Good Life

Robert Waldinger in his talk was explaining the outcomes and lessons from the longest study that was ever done on happiness. He started by asking the audience what keeps us healthy and happy in life  and when millennials were asked that question, most of them would say either to get rich or to become famous. This is what society forces us to believe, he said. The Harvard study they did on adult development  since the 1930s lasted for 75 years, where they tracked the lives of 724 men, of which 60 of them are still alive till today. The men grew up with different careers, one was even president of the USA.  So, what were the lessons that resulted from this study?The most important message from this 75 year study, was that good relationships can keep us happier and healthier.  The 3 big lessons about relationships are: 1. Social connections are important and loneliness kills people. People connected to their family, friends and the community are happier and healthier an...

Gratitude Reciprocates

The video is basically Matthew McConaughey's speech when he won the best actor award, in the 86th Oscars in 2014.  I found it to be quite inspiring and I really liked not just what he said, but also the way he spoke, he was very charismatic and has an amazing sense of humor. Matthew started by thanking the other nominees and how perfect their performances were. He then thanked the director and his colleagues. He said there are three things that he needs each day: One is something to look up to, the other is something to look forward to and the third is someone to chase. He said God is the one he looks up to, as he graced his life with many opportunities that were in no-one's hand and said, " He has shown me that it's a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates". and quoted actor Charlie Laughton who said, "When you got God, you got a friend and that friend is you"! As for what he looks forward to, its his family. He thanked his late father for teachin...

Big Rocks

The FranklinCovey's Big Rocks video is a concept about priorities in habit no. 4: “put first things first”, which is  part of Stephen Covey’s book "The 7 habits of highly effective people". In the video a lady was asked to put all the big rocks on the table in a bowl the guy already filled with many small tiny rocks. Her job was to fit them all in, but she struggled with that. The tiny stones represented all the things that fill our lives and gradually accumulate. The bowl representing our life is filled with these little rocks. The big rocks that the lady tries to fit in the bowl ('our life') while the tiny rocks are there, represent things such as: Planning & empowerment; Relationships & family; Employment; Big opportunity; Major projects; Service/community/church. She kept moving the tiny rocks around to be able to squeeze in some of the big rocks and found that she couldn't fit all the rocks. Some rocks remained outside and she had to give up rocks...

Lollipop Moment

Drew Dudley's Ted talk: "Lollipop Moment" discussed the importance of redefining leadership as being lollipop moments, which is a moment when someone does or says something that makes your life better. He goes on about how everyone probably had lollipop moments- whether given to us by others or that we made someone's life better by something we said or did, but the most important thing is to let people know the impact and difference they have made on our lives by these moments. So not only that we should create more and more lollipop moments, but we need to acknowledge them and pay them forward and be thankful for them. He quoted Marian Williams who said, "our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light and not our darkness that frightens us".  He says that we need to get over this and show our kids the impact we can have on each other's lives by the lollipop moments we create, no...