Steve Jobs' Speech

Steve Jobs' Speech 

I really enjoyed this amazing inspiring speech by Steve Jobs, where he shared 3 stories about his experience and what he learned from life!

The first story was about connecting the dots. He was saying how he dropped out of college after 6 months as he did not see the value in what he was learning and it was one of the best decisions he made because when he stopped taking the classes that didn't interest him and started taking classes that interested him, he got to learn new things such as typography. At the time, he did not see any practical application for that in his life, but 10 years later when they were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to him and he used what he learned to design it all into the Mac. So if he hadn't dropped out of college and went into that typography class, then personal computers wouldn't have the typography they have! 

This shows how when one door closes, another door opens and at the moment when a door closes, we do not see the benefits it could yield, except later. Jobs said, "You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards" and so you have to trust that the dots will connect in your future, which might be a difficult thing to do or predict at the moment but its all part of having strong belief and faith. "Believing that the dots will connect along the road.. that will make all the difference" and this will give you the confidence to keep on going. 

Jobs' second story was about love and loss. It is important to find what you love to do and Steve Jobs was lucky to find what he loved early in life, as he started Apple in his parents' garage when he was 20 and then 10 years later Apple grew into a 2 billion dollar company and  then got fired at 30 from Apple!! He said,  "Being fired from Apple, was the best thing that happened to me", but he didnt see that then as he was rejected and was a public failure, but he still loved what he did, so he started over and created 'Next' and 'Pixar'. Apple later bought Next and he rejoined and that would not have happened if he wasn't fired from Apple. "It was awful medicine, but sometimes the patient needed it", he said. "Sometimes life is going to hit you in the head with a brick, don't lose faith". 

Things like this makes us learn how to be resilient and to accept anything that life throws at us, as it actually makes us stronger and better and makes us improve. For example, I felt this very much when I lost at the Diving Junior World Championships, as I was very eager to make it to the finals and I was performing very well and then I had one failed dive, this brought me down to the bottom of the rank and made me very disappointed. Since I do love diving, so this 'failure' would actually make me work harder and keep on trying to accomplish my goals, maybe if I had made t to the finals like I planned from the first time, wouldn't make me put alot of effort afterwards in the upcoming tournaments, as I would have accomplished what I wanted already. 

I liked when he said, that "the only way to be satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great work, is to love what you do". 

"Love what you do.. if you have not find it yet, keep looking .... don't settle. ..keep looking.. don't settle". This is something everyone should learn and strive for to be happy , as many people tend to just settle and don't put effort or be patient and end up always unhappy. 

His third  story is about death. He asks himself every day, if today was the last day of his life,, would he make this decision? This kind of brings perspective to everything, because in the face of death, you tend to focus on the priorities. People usually live as if they are invincible and that is very wrong, because anything can happen at any moment and that is why it is important to live your life, as if you will die tomorrow. Knowing that your time is limited, makes you spend your time wisely and with the important people in your life and the way you want to live it, not the way others want. So, Jobs' advice was to always remember that we will all be dead soon, so that we can make the right decision, as thats the best way to avoid the trap of thinking that there is something you may lose. 


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