Big Rocks
The FranklinCovey's Big Rocks video is a concept about priorities in habit no. 4: “put first things first”, which is part of Stephen Covey’s book "The 7 habits of highly effective people". In the video a lady was asked to put all the big rocks on the table in a bowl the guy already filled with many small tiny rocks. Her job was to fit them all in, but she struggled with that. The tiny stones represented all the things that fill our lives and gradually accumulate. The bowl representing our life is filled with these little rocks. The big rocks that the lady tries to fit in the bowl ('our life') while the tiny rocks are there, represent things such as: Planning & empowerment; Relationships & family; Employment; Big opportunity; Major projects; Service/community/church. She kept moving the tiny rocks around to be able to squeeze in some of the big rocks and found that she couldn't fit all the rocks. Some rocks remained outside and she had to give up rocks...